Ex RecordsAvailable Formats:
Digital, Stream
Two blinking tracks by The Ex: direct, urgent, wilful and joyfully obstinate. Recorded in the rehearsal room in three hours and mixed in two: fat -free and no words wasted.
Arnold de Boer – guitar, vocals
Terrie Hessels – guitar
Andy Moor – guitar
Katherina Bornefeld – drums
“How Thick You Think” is inspired by the short film “Neighbours” (Norman McLaren, 1952). The story is a parable about two people who come to blows over the possession of a flower. The sentence I think food with music means peace comes from a painting by Lucebert.
“That’s Not A Virus” builds on a typical Ex beat: a melodic and unique rhythm, freshly pulled out of the Dutch clay, sounding as if it already exists for 2000 years. The lyrics work like a crack in the wall through which you look at the space between people; what people reveal of themselves, show to each other and the categorical insecurity that comes with it.
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