“Together, Brötzmann and Lonberg-Holm have released two excellent prior duos … This latest CD, Memories of a Tunicate, may be the jewel in their crown. … Credit is due to Lonberg-Holm’s liberal use of electronics. Against Brötzmann’s muscular saxophone, the cellist can bring a saturating wall of sound to parry that machine gun attack. This music is, though, not a face-off but a flow. Blasts of sound are tagged and escorted rather than opposed. Like the individual track titles, which are names of obscure sea creatures, the music is designed (actually, improvised) to be shrouded and a bit surprising. Brötzmann often draws from melancholic extended technique with an old soul’s blue feel. For his part, Lonberg-Holm bows and plucks his cello, expanding it into a violin, bass or an electric guitar sound, accented at times with shards of industrial noise. This is one entertaining and exhausting recording.”