CS: What musicians and artists have you been looking at lately?
JM: Christine Abdelnour. Herb Robertson.
CS: Films and books you’ve been into lately?
JM: Lately, it’s been John Wick movies. Books, “The Secret Agent” by Joseph Conrad, “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy, and “Light of the Diddicoy” by Eamon Loingsigh.
CS: Favorite record no one else has listened to?
JM: No idea how many have listened to it, but I know it hasn’t been heard by enough people. “Obliquities” by Evan Parker and Barry Guy. A masterpiece.
CS: Best thing you’ve seen on Youtube (recently)?
JM: Tomomi Kubo & Ferran Besalduch, full set live in Barcelona, 23-11-2019, Magia Roja.
CS: Dream trio/quartet/quintet with historical figures?
JM: Jimmy Lyons, Sunny Murray & Alan Silva.
CS: Last performance you saw that expanded the way you think about your own work?
JM: See my choice in the Youtube question. I didn’t see it live but Tomomi Kubo on Ondes Martenot has stuck with me.
CS: Record you most wish you had played on?
JM: “On the Corner” by Miles Davis.
CS: Recording people would be most surprised you listen to?
JM: “Superfly” by Curtis Mayfield. Maybe that isn’t very surprising.